Health & FitnessAdvertisingCharitable OrganizationsChild Care CentersEducation and TrainingEntertainmentEvent & Banquet FacilityFamily SupportHealth & WellnessHealth and Wellness CoachingHealth ClubHealth EducationHealth Facility for WomenHealth ServicesIndoor Sports CenterLacrosse Tournamentlearning centerMassage TherapyMobilityNon-profitParty and Event PlanningParty CenterParty RentalPersonal Services and CoachingPhysical TherapistsPreschoolRecreation and EventsRecreational FacilityRentalsRetailService OrganizationSoccer CampsSoccer League YouthTrainingTraining and Assessment ServicesTraining/SeminarsWeddingsWellness Center
Open 24/7/365 for members!
Office hours: M-F 8:30am-10pm
Sa: 10am-4pm
Su: 11am-3pm
Driving Directions:
Located in Chesapeake Bay Business Park
Training Academy: 112 Log Canoe Cir (located in Chester building)
Arena: 325 Log Canoe Cir
About Us
TRAIN with US | The Edge Training Academy
Full gym complete with weight rooms, sport court, and turf field. We offer memberships for all ages, personal training, rentals, and more!
PLAY with US | The Edge Arena
An indoor arena built with the community in mind. Whether it's hosting a birthday party, a family gathering or playing in a sports league we have a space for YOU!
GIVE with US | The Giving The Edge Foundation
Supporting our youth by providing positive enriching activities to engage in both socially and emotionally. We offer camps, classes and a variety of fun events that allow a kid to expand their horizons in this ever-changing world!
Rep/Contact Info

Robert Woolley
- Phone: (443) 249-3133
- Send an Email
- 112 Log Canoe Circle Stevensville MD 21666