BanksFinancial Services
Please go to for the hours of operation for the branch nearest to you.
Driving Directions:
Please go to for directions to our eight branches. Click on ''About Us'' > ''Locations & Hours''.
About Us
For over 120 years, Queenstown Bank has been committed to reaching out within our local communities to do all we can to further the area's overall economic development. As a community partner, we make charitable contributions for education, culture and the arts, social service agencies, charitable activities, community and economic development, and other programs that impact the needs of our communities. By bridging the needs of our local communities with the resources of Queenstown Bank, we help to improve the quality of life for residents in our service areas. We realize that we can only be as successful as the communities we serve!
Head Teller (Grasonville, MD)
Treasury Management Client Specialist (Queenstown, MD)
Loan Administration Specialist III
Deposit Operations Specialist
Branch Manager
Rep/Contact Info
Kevin B Cashen
President & CEO
- Phone: (410) 827-8881
- Send an Email
- 7101 Main St Queenstown MD 21658-0120
Brandon Silverstein
AVP, Marketing Manager
- Phone: (410) 827-8881 x1121
- Send an Email
- P.O. Box 120 Queenstown MD 21658-0120
Christy Wilkins
Corporate Secretary / SVP
- Phone: (410) 827-8881
- Send an Email
- P.O. Box 120 Queenstown MD 21658-0120